UNDP complaint

Visit to Town & Gravets Pradeshiya Sabha Dr. Johann Hesse


Visit to Town & Gravets Pradeshiya Sabha Dr. Johann Hesse – Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives

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Visit Dr. Johann Hesse
Head of Development Cooperation
Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Dr. Johann Hesse, Head of Development Cooperation Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives visited on 05.10.2023 to Trincomalee Town and Gravets Pradeshiya Sabha to review the implementing Projects under CDLG,
and he officially inaugurated Model Front Office and langued
MinKiwwa online platform Grievance Redress System and Computerized Revenue Management System. The Secretary to the Chief Minister and Commissioner of Local Government Mr. N.Manivannan, Secretary T&GPS Mrs. N.Yalini, UNDP Country Project Manager, Mr. Jude Walton and Project Coordinator, CDLG Project, UNDP Mr. Shamir Shalih, Project associate UNDP-CDLG Mr. P.Manoj and staff of the Trocomalee Town and Gravets Pradeshiya Sabha participated in the event. and discussed on ongoing progress in the discussion further few sector projects proposals/Plans have been submitted by Secretary of TGPS for the future implementation at PS.
